At the core of Last Stop Before Tomorrow is our human relationship with technology. Let’s remember that technology is just a fancy name for tools. These days, we tend to think of technology in terms of computers and high tech generally. But a hammer and a nail are of the same category as our smart phones and automobiles. They are all products of our inquisitive inventiveness and all created to provide more comfort and security in a world that can be harsh and a challenge to survive in. It’s our efforts to achieve more comfort and security that have led directly to climate change. Our early pottery industry by which we made clay vessels released emissions into the atmosphere just as do our current coal-fired power plants, just with less volume and before we’d reached the limits we face today. The difference is one of degree and quantity but not of type. We’d set off on our path towards climate change way back 13,000 years ago when we figured out how to make kilns and burn wood to fire clay. We continued on that path when we learned how to smelt iron. And then further along with our steam engines and then our discovery of how to drill for oil and gas. And in this whole enterprise, we can see the connection between our tool development and our creativity, between our industry and our art. So, it’s our creativity that has led to climate change. And this is part of what the characters in Last Stop Before Tomorrow struggle to understand and come to terms with.